Monado OpenXR Runtime
xrt_compositor_info Struct Reference

Capabilities and information about the compositor and device together. More...

#include <xrt/xrt_compositor.h>

Collaboration diagram for xrt_compositor_info:

Data Fields

uint32_t format_count
 Number of formats, never changes. More...
 Supported formats, never changes. More...
uint32_t max_texture_size
 Max texture size that GPU supports (size of a single dimension), zero means any size. More...

Detailed Description

Capabilities and information about the compositor and device together.

For client compositors the formats of the native compositor are translated.

Field Documentation

◆ format_count

uint32_t xrt_compositor_info::format_count

Number of formats, never changes.

◆ formats

int64_t xrt_compositor_info::formats[XRT_MAX_SWAPCHAIN_FORMATS]

Supported formats, never changes.

alignas for 32 bit client support, see IPC Design and Implementation

◆ max_texture_size

uint32_t xrt_compositor_info::max_texture_size

Max texture size that GPU supports (size of a single dimension), zero means any size.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: