Here is a list of all documented functions, variables, defines, enums, and typedefs with links to the documentation:
- s -
- sample_create_auto_prober() : sample_prober.c, sample_interface.h
- sample_hmd() : sample_hmd.c
- sample_hmd_create() : sample_hmd.c, sample_interface.h
- scratch_get_fini() : comp_renderer.c
- scratch_get_init() : comp_renderer.c
- sdl_compositor_create_system() : sdl_compositor.c, sdl_internal.h
- sdl_compositor_init() : sdl_compositor.c, sdl_internal.h
- sdl_device_init() : sdl_device.c, sdl_internal.h
- sdl_instance_init() : sdl_instance.c, sdl_internal.h
- sdl_make_current() : sdl_internal.h
- sdl_make_uncurrent() : sdl_internal.h
- sdl_program_plus_create() : sdl_program.cpp, sdl_internal.h
- sdl_program_plus_destroy() : sdl_internal.h, sdl_program.cpp
- sdl_program_plus_render() : sdl_internal.h, sdl_program.cpp
- sdl_swapchain_create() : sdl_internal.h, sdl_swapchain.c
- sdl_swapchain_import() : sdl_internal.h, sdl_swapchain.c
- sdl_system_devices_init() : sdl_instance.c, sdl_internal.h
- sdl_system_init() : sdl_instance.c, sdl_internal.h
- search_type : gui_scene_debug.c
- set_option_in_all_sensors() : rs_hdev.c
- set_state() : u_autoexpgain.c
- sign_extend_13() : u_bitwise.h, u_bitwise.c
- simulated_create_auto_prober() : simulated_interface.h, simulated_prober.c
- simulated_create_controller() : simulated_controller.c, simulated_interface.h
- simulated_hmd_create() : simulated_hmd.c, simulated_interface.h
- simulated_log_level() : simulated_hmd.c, simulated_interface.h
- simulated_movement : simulated_interface.h
- simulated_open_system_impl() : target_builder_simulated.c
- SLAM_PRED_IP_IO_IA_IL : t_tracking.h
- SLAM_PRED_NONE : t_tracking.h
- SLAM_PRED_SP_SO_IA_IL : t_tracking.h
- SLAM_PRED_SP_SO_IA_SL : t_tracking.h
- SLAM_PRED_SP_SO_SA_SL : t_tracking.h
- slot_clear_locked() : comp_multi_compositor.c
- slot_move_and_clear_locked() : comp_multi_compositor.c
- slot_move_into_cleared() : comp_multi_compositor.c
- starts_with_and_has_slash() : os_ble_dbus.c
- steamvr_lh_create_devices() : steamvr_lh.cpp, steamvr_lh_interface.h
- STOP_BRIGHTEN : u_autoexpgain.c
- STOP_DARKEN : u_autoexpgain.c
- survive_controller_get_hand_tracking() : survive_driver.c
- svr_hmd_create() : svr_hmd.c, svr_interface.h
- svr_hmd_get_view_poses() : svr_hmd.c
- svr_mesh_calc() : svr_hmd.c
- system_compositor_set_state() : comp_multi_system.c
- system_compositor_set_z_order() : comp_multi_system.c