Monado OpenXR Runtime
xrt_system.h File Reference

Header for system objects. More...

#include "xrt/xrt_compiler.h"
#include "xrt/xrt_defines.h"
#include "xrt/xrt_device.h"
#include <stdalign.h>
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Data Structures

struct  xrt_system_properties
 Properties provided by the system. More...
struct  xrt_system
 A system is a collection of devices, policies and optionally a compositor that is organised into a chosive group that is usable by one user, most of the functionality of a system is exposed through other objects, this is the main object. More...
struct  xrt_system_roles
 Data associating a device index (in xrt_system_devices::xdevs) with a given "role" for dynamic role switching. More...
struct  xrt_system_devices
 A collection of xrt_device, and an interface for identifying the roles they have been assigned. More...


#define XRT_SYSTEM_ID   1
 Maximum number of devices simultaneously usable by an implementation of xrt_system_devices. More...

Detailed Description