struct comp_base | base |
struct xrt_device * | xdev |
| The device we are displaying to. More...
struct u_pacing_compositor * | upc |
| Pacing helper to drive us forward. More...
struct { |
enum u_logging_level log_level |
uint64_t frame_interval_ns |
| Frame interval that we are using. More...
} | settings |
struct xrt_system_compositor_info | sys_info |
struct { |
struct null_comp_frame waited |
struct null_comp_frame rendering |
} | frame |
struct xrt_compositor_native | base |
| Base native compositor. More...
struct vk_bundle | vk |
| Vulkan bundle of useful things, used by swapchain and fence. More...
struct os_precise_sleeper | sleeper |
| For default xrt_compositor::wait_frame. More...
struct comp_swapchain_shared | cscs |
| Swapchain garbage collector, used by swapchain, child class needs to call. More...
struct comp_layer_accum | layer_accum |
| Collect layers for a single frame. More...
struct comp_frame_params | frame_params |
| Parameters for a single frame. More...
struct xrt_compositor | base |
| Base. More...
struct xrt_compositor_info | info |
| Capabilities and recommended values information. More...
xrt_result_t(* | get_swapchain_create_properties )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, const struct xrt_swapchain_create_info *info, struct xrt_swapchain_create_properties *xsccp) |
| For a given xrt_swapchain_create_info struct returns a filled out xrt_swapchain_create_properties. More...
xrt_result_t(* | create_passthrough )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, const struct xrt_passthrough_create_info *info) |
| Create a passthrough. More...
xrt_result_t(* | create_passthrough_layer )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, const struct xrt_passthrough_layer_create_info *info) |
| Create a passthrough layer. More...
xrt_result_t(* | destroy_passthrough )(struct xrt_compositor *xc) |
| Destroy a passthrough. More...
xrt_result_t(* | set_performance_level )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, enum xrt_perf_domain domain, enum xrt_perf_set_level level) |
| Set CPU/GPU performance level. More...
xrt_result_t(* | get_reference_bounds_rect )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, enum xrt_reference_space_type reference_space_type, struct xrt_vec2 *bounds) |
| Get the extents of the reference space's bounds rectangle. More...
void(* | destroy )(struct xrt_compositor *xc) |
| Teardown the compositor. More...
xrt_result_t(* | create_swapchain )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, const struct xrt_swapchain_create_info *info, struct xrt_swapchain **out_xsc) |
| Create a swapchain with a set of images. More...
xrt_result_t(* | import_swapchain )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, const struct xrt_swapchain_create_info *info, struct xrt_image_native *native_images, uint32_t image_count, struct xrt_swapchain **out_xsc) |
| Create a swapchain from a set of native images. More...
xrt_result_t(* | import_fence )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, xrt_graphics_sync_handle_t handle, struct xrt_compositor_fence **out_xcf) |
| Create a compositor fence from a native sync handle. More...
xrt_result_t(* | create_semaphore )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, xrt_graphics_sync_handle_t *out_handle, struct xrt_compositor_semaphore **out_xcsem) |
| Create a compositor semaphore, also returns a native handle. More...
xrt_result_t(* | begin_session )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, const struct xrt_begin_session_info *info) |
| See xrBeginSession. More...
xrt_result_t(* | end_session )(struct xrt_compositor *xc) |
| See xrEndSession, unlike the OpenXR one the state tracker is responsible to call discard frame before calling this function. More...
xrt_result_t(* | predict_frame )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, int64_t *out_frame_id, int64_t *out_wake_time_ns, int64_t *out_predicted_gpu_time_ns, int64_t *out_predicted_display_time_ns, int64_t *out_predicted_display_period_ns) |
| This function and mark_frame function calls are a alternative to wait_frame. More...
xrt_result_t(* | mark_frame )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, int64_t frame_id, enum xrt_compositor_frame_point point, int64_t when_ns) |
| This function and predict_frame function calls are a alternative to wait_frame. More...
xrt_result_t(* | wait_frame )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, int64_t *out_frame_id, int64_t *out_predicted_display_time, int64_t *out_predicted_display_period) |
| See xrWaitFrame. More...
xrt_result_t(* | begin_frame )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, int64_t frame_id) |
| See xrBeginFrame. More...
xrt_result_t(* | discard_frame )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, int64_t frame_id) |
| Explicitly discard a frame. More...
xrt_result_t(* | layer_begin )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, const struct xrt_layer_frame_data *data) |
| Begins layer submission. More...
xrt_result_t(* | layer_projection )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, struct xrt_device *xdev, struct xrt_swapchain *xsc[XRT_MAX_VIEWS], const struct xrt_layer_data *data) |
| Adds a projection layer for submissions. More...
xrt_result_t(* | layer_projection_depth )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, struct xrt_device *xdev, struct xrt_swapchain *xsc[XRT_MAX_VIEWS], struct xrt_swapchain *d_xsc[XRT_MAX_VIEWS], const struct xrt_layer_data *data) |
| Adds a projection layer for submission, has depth information. More...
xrt_result_t(* | layer_quad )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, struct xrt_device *xdev, struct xrt_swapchain *xsc, const struct xrt_layer_data *data) |
| Adds a quad layer for submission, the center of the quad is specified by the pose and extends outwards from it. More...
xrt_result_t(* | layer_cube )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, struct xrt_device *xdev, struct xrt_swapchain *xsc, const struct xrt_layer_data *data) |
| Adds a cube layer for submission. More...
xrt_result_t(* | layer_cylinder )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, struct xrt_device *xdev, struct xrt_swapchain *xsc, const struct xrt_layer_data *data) |
| Adds a cylinder layer for submission. More...
xrt_result_t(* | layer_equirect1 )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, struct xrt_device *xdev, struct xrt_swapchain *xsc, const struct xrt_layer_data *data) |
| Adds a equirect1 layer for submission. More...
xrt_result_t(* | layer_equirect2 )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, struct xrt_device *xdev, struct xrt_swapchain *xsc, const struct xrt_layer_data *data) |
| Adds a equirect2 layer for submission. More...
xrt_result_t(* | layer_passthrough )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, struct xrt_device *xdev, const struct xrt_layer_data *data) |
| Adds a passthrough layer for submission. More...
xrt_result_t(* | layer_commit )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, xrt_graphics_sync_handle_t sync_handle) |
| Commits all of the submitted layers. More...
xrt_result_t(* | layer_commit_with_semaphore )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, struct xrt_compositor_semaphore *xcsem, uint64_t value) |
| Commits all of the submitted layers, with a semaphore. More...
xrt_result_t(* | get_display_refresh_rate )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, float *out_display_refresh_rate_hz) |
| Get the current display refresh rate. More...
xrt_result_t(* | request_display_refresh_rate )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, float display_refresh_rate_hz) |
| Request system to change the display refresh rate to the requested value. More...
xrt_result_t(* | set_thread_hint )(struct xrt_compositor *xc, enum xrt_thread_hint hint, uint32_t thread_id) |
| Set thread attributes according to thread type. More...
struct xrt_compositor_d3d11 * | xrt_gfx_d3d11_provider_create (struct xrt_compositor_native *xcn, ID3D11Device *device) |
| Create a D3D11 compositor client. More...
struct xrt_compositor_d3d12 * | xrt_gfx_d3d12_provider_create (struct xrt_compositor_native *xcn, ID3D12Device *device, ID3D12CommandQueue *queue) |
| Create a D3D12 compositor client. More...
xrt_result_t | xrt_gfx_provider_create_gl_egl (struct xrt_compositor_native *xcn, EGLDisplay display, EGLConfig config, EGLContext context, PFNEGLGETPROCADDRESSPROC get_gl_procaddr, bool renderdoc_enabled, struct xrt_compositor_gl **out_xcgl) |
| Create an OpenGL(ES) compositor client using EGL. More...
struct xrt_compositor_vk * | xrt_gfx_vk_provider_create (struct xrt_compositor_native *xcn, VkInstance instance, PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr get_instance_proc_addr, VkPhysicalDevice physical_device, VkDevice device, bool external_fence_fd_enabled, bool external_semaphore_fd_enabled, bool timeline_semaphore_enabled, bool image_format_list_enabled, bool debug_utils_enabled, bool renderdoc_enabled, uint32_t queue_family_index, uint32_t queue_index) |
| Create a Vulkan compositor client. More...
struct xrt_compositor_gl * | xrt_gfx_provider_create_gl_win32 (struct xrt_compositor_native *xcn, void *hDC, void *hGLRC) |
| Create an OpenGL compositor client using Win32. More...
struct xrt_compositor_gl * | xrt_gfx_provider_create_gl_xlib (struct xrt_compositor_native *xcn, Display *xDisplay, uint32_t visualid, GLXFBConfig glxFBConfig, GLXDrawable glxDrawable, GLXContext glxContext) |
| Create an OpenGL compositor client using xlib. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_native_create_swapchain (struct xrt_compositor_native *xcn, const struct xrt_swapchain_create_info *info, struct xrt_swapchain_native **out_xscn) |
| Create a native swapchain with a set of images. More...
static void | xrt_comp_native_destroy (struct xrt_compositor_native **xcn_ptr) |
| Teardown the compositor. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_get_swapchain_create_properties (struct xrt_compositor *xc, const struct xrt_swapchain_create_info *info, struct xrt_swapchain_create_properties *xsccp) |
| For a given xrt_swapchain_create_info struct returns a filled out xrt_swapchain_create_properties. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_create_passthrough (struct xrt_compositor *xc, const struct xrt_passthrough_create_info *info) |
| Create a passthrough. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_create_passthrough_layer (struct xrt_compositor *xc, const struct xrt_passthrough_layer_create_info *info) |
| Create a passthrough layer. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_destroy_passthrough (struct xrt_compositor *xc) |
| Destroy a passthrough. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_get_display_refresh_rate (struct xrt_compositor *xc, float *out_display_refresh_rate_hz) |
| Get the current display refresh rate. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_request_display_refresh_rate (struct xrt_compositor *xc, float display_refresh_rate_hz) |
| Request system to change the display refresh rate to the requested value. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_set_performance_level (struct xrt_compositor *xc, enum xrt_perf_domain domain, enum xrt_perf_set_level level) |
| Set CPU/GPU performance level. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_get_reference_bounds_rect (struct xrt_compositor *xc, enum xrt_reference_space_type reference_space_type, struct xrt_vec2 *bounds) |
| Get the extents of the reference space's bounds rectangle. More...
static void | xrt_comp_destroy (struct xrt_compositor **xc_ptr) |
| Teardown the compositor. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_create_swapchain (struct xrt_compositor *xc, const struct xrt_swapchain_create_info *info, struct xrt_swapchain **out_xsc) |
| Create a swapchain with a set of images. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_import_swapchain (struct xrt_compositor *xc, const struct xrt_swapchain_create_info *info, struct xrt_image_native *native_images, uint32_t image_count, struct xrt_swapchain **out_xsc) |
| Create a swapchain from a set of native images. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_import_fence (struct xrt_compositor *xc, xrt_graphics_sync_handle_t handle, struct xrt_compositor_fence **out_xcf) |
| Create a compositor fence from a native sync handle. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_create_semaphore (struct xrt_compositor *xc, xrt_graphics_sync_handle_t *out_handle, struct xrt_compositor_semaphore **out_xcsem) |
| Create a compositor semaphore, also returns a native handle. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_begin_session (struct xrt_compositor *xc, const struct xrt_begin_session_info *info) |
| See xrBeginSession. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_end_session (struct xrt_compositor *xc) |
| See xrEndSession, unlike the OpenXR one the state tracker is responsible to call discard frame before calling this function. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_predict_frame (struct xrt_compositor *xc, int64_t *out_frame_id, int64_t *out_wake_time_ns, int64_t *out_predicted_gpu_time_ns, int64_t *out_predicted_display_time_ns, int64_t *out_predicted_display_period_ns) |
| This function and mark_frame function calls are a alternative to wait_frame. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_mark_frame (struct xrt_compositor *xc, int64_t frame_id, enum xrt_compositor_frame_point point, int64_t when_ns) |
| This function and predict_frame function calls are a alternative to wait_frame. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_wait_frame (struct xrt_compositor *xc, int64_t *out_frame_id, int64_t *out_predicted_display_time, int64_t *out_predicted_display_period) |
| See xrWaitFrame. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_begin_frame (struct xrt_compositor *xc, int64_t frame_id) |
| See xrBeginFrame. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_discard_frame (struct xrt_compositor *xc, int64_t frame_id) |
| Explicitly discard a frame. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_layer_begin (struct xrt_compositor *xc, const struct xrt_layer_frame_data *data) |
| Begins layer submission. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_layer_projection (struct xrt_compositor *xc, struct xrt_device *xdev, struct xrt_swapchain *xsc[XRT_MAX_VIEWS], const struct xrt_layer_data *data) |
| Adds a projection layer for submissions. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_layer_projection_depth (struct xrt_compositor *xc, struct xrt_device *xdev, struct xrt_swapchain *xsc[XRT_MAX_VIEWS], struct xrt_swapchain *d_xsc[XRT_MAX_VIEWS], const struct xrt_layer_data *data) |
| Adds a projection layer for submission, has depth information. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_layer_quad (struct xrt_compositor *xc, struct xrt_device *xdev, struct xrt_swapchain *xsc, const struct xrt_layer_data *data) |
| Adds a quad layer for submission, the center of the quad is specified by the pose and extends outwards from it. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_layer_cube (struct xrt_compositor *xc, struct xrt_device *xdev, struct xrt_swapchain *xsc, const struct xrt_layer_data *data) |
| Adds a cube layer for submission. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_layer_cylinder (struct xrt_compositor *xc, struct xrt_device *xdev, struct xrt_swapchain *xsc, const struct xrt_layer_data *data) |
| Adds a cylinder layer for submission. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_layer_equirect1 (struct xrt_compositor *xc, struct xrt_device *xdev, struct xrt_swapchain *xsc, const struct xrt_layer_data *data) |
| Adds a equirect1 layer for submission. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_layer_equirect2 (struct xrt_compositor *xc, struct xrt_device *xdev, struct xrt_swapchain *xsc, const struct xrt_layer_data *data) |
| Adds a equirect2 layer for submission. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_layer_passthrough (struct xrt_compositor *xc, struct xrt_device *xdev, const struct xrt_layer_data *data) |
| Adds a passthrough layer for submission. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_layer_commit (struct xrt_compositor *xc, xrt_graphics_sync_handle_t sync_handle) |
| Commits all of the submitted layers. More...
static xrt_result_t | xrt_comp_layer_commit_with_semaphore (struct xrt_compositor *xc, struct xrt_compositor_semaphore *xcsem, uint64_t value) |
| Commits all of the submitted layers, with a semaphore. More...
void | comp_base_init (struct comp_base *cb) |
| Inits all of the supported functions and structs, except vk_bundle. More...
Main compositor struct tying everything in the compositor together.
This ultimately implements xrt_compositor_native but does so by extending comp_base, similar to how comp_compositor works.