static XRT_CHECK_RESULT VkResult | create_gfx_ubo_and_src_descriptor_set_layout (struct vk_bundle *vk, uint32_t ubo_binding, uint32_t src_binding, VkDescriptorSetLayout *out_descriptor_set_layout) |
static XRT_CHECK_RESULT bool | init_mesh_vertex_buffers (struct vk_bundle *vk, struct render_buffer *vbo, struct render_buffer *ibo, uint32_t vertex_count, uint32_t stride, void *vertices, uint32_t index_counts, void *indices) |
static XRT_CHECK_RESULT bool | init_mesh_ubo_buffers (struct vk_bundle *vk, struct render_buffer ubo[XRT_MAX_VIEWS], uint32_t view_count) |
static XRT_CHECK_RESULT VkResult | create_compute_layer_descriptor_set_layout (struct vk_bundle *vk, uint32_t src_binding, uint32_t target_binding, uint32_t ubo_binding, uint32_t source_images_count, VkDescriptorSetLayout *out_descriptor_set_layout) |
static XRT_CHECK_RESULT VkResult | create_compute_distortion_descriptor_set_layout (struct vk_bundle *vk, uint32_t src_binding, uint32_t distortion_binding, uint32_t target_binding, uint32_t ubo_binding, VkDescriptorSetLayout *out_descriptor_set_layout) |
static XRT_CHECK_RESULT VkResult | create_compute_layer_pipeline (struct vk_bundle *vk, VkPipelineCache pipeline_cache, VkShaderModule shader, VkPipelineLayout pipeline_layout, const struct compute_layer_params *params, VkPipeline *out_compute_pipeline) |
static XRT_CHECK_RESULT VkResult | create_compute_distortion_pipeline (struct vk_bundle *vk, VkPipelineCache pipeline_cache, VkShaderModule shader, VkPipelineLayout pipeline_layout, const struct compute_distortion_params *params, VkPipeline *out_compute_pipeline) |
static XRT_CHECK_RESULT VkResult | prepare_mock_image_locked (struct vk_bundle *vk, VkCommandBuffer cmd, VkImage dst) |
static XRT_CHECK_RESULT bool | create_scratch_image_and_view (struct vk_bundle *vk, VkExtent2D extent, struct render_scratch_color_image *rsci) |
static void | teardown_scratch_color_image (struct vk_bundle *vk, struct render_scratch_color_image *rsci) |
bool | render_resources_init (struct render_resources *r, struct render_shaders *shaders, struct vk_bundle *vk, struct xrt_device *xdev) |
void | render_resources_close (struct render_resources *r) |
bool | render_resources_get_timestamps (struct render_resources *r, uint64_t *out_gpu_start_ns, uint64_t *out_gpu_end_ns) |
bool | render_resources_get_duration (struct render_resources *r, uint64_t *out_gpu_duration_ns) |
bool | render_scratch_images_ensure (struct render_resources *r, struct render_scratch_images *rsi, VkExtent2D extent) |
| Ensure that the scratch images are created and have the given extent. More...
void | render_scratch_images_close (struct render_resources *r, struct render_scratch_images *rsi) |
| Close all resources on the given render_scratch_images. More...